Local time: 2 pm
Description: ‘Net-Work’: Video by Carmel Whittle of an art installation among the trees created by Adrian Baker
Coordinator: Chad Kirvan
FaceBook link: Available later
Checkout the other great streams!
Local time: 2 pm
Description: ‘Net-Work’: Video by Carmel Whittle of an art installation among the trees created by Adrian Baker
Coordinator: Chad Kirvan
FaceBook link: Available later
Checkout the other great streams!
Local time: 2 pm
Description: An event streamed from a land trust site on Blueberry Mountain, either from on the mountain or from underneath a 350 year old cedar tree there
Coordinator: Chad Clifford
Contact: Didn’t happen
FaceBook link: Coming!
Twenty-Six Free Concerts And Events Across Canada On The Same Day
To Celebrate Trees Through Songs, Poems, Visual Art, Walks and Talks
** 25 regional concerts and events **
11:00 am Pacific / 2:00 pm Eastern / 3:30 pm Newfoundland
** National wrap-up concert **
1:00 pm Pacific / 4:00 pm Eastern / 5:30 pm Newfoundland
‘Tree Songs 2’ is a national creation and performance project that will present twenty-six free live concerts and events across Canada in honour of trees on Sunday, November 21.
The 25 regional concerts and events will start at 2:00 pm Eastern. The concerts are being organized by tree-loving individuals and groups across the country, and will feature songwriters, poets and visual artists who have creates new work for the occasion to encourage people to celebrate and protect trees. Events will include woodland tours led by certified forest guides (‘tree walks’) and moderated community conversations about trees (‘tree talks’).
A national wrap-up concert starting at 4:00 pm Eastern will feature concert reports and live performances from the 25 regional concerts, along with some special surprise guests.
All ‘Tree Songs 2’ concerts and events are free and will be streamed live to Facebook starting at 2:00 pm Eastern on November 21. Some concerts and events will offer an option to attend in person as an alternative to attending online.
Information and links for all concerts will be posted on the Tree Songs website at www.treesongs.ca starting on November 15.
All concerts will be archived after November 21st on the
Tree Songs Facebook page at www.facebook.com/groups/treesongs
The organizers and artists associated with this project acknowledge their responsibility to respect the traditional Indigenous territory on which we live and to safeguard the rights of those who have been the stewards of this territory since time immemorial.
Media contact: Chris White – chris@folkzone.ca, 613-327-9621
On October 17th, 2021, ‘Tree Songs’ project produced 20 excellent new songs about trees that were performed in two concerts:
an in-person concert hosted by Christophe Elie and Greg Kelly at the Central Experimental Farm, and an online concert hosted by Chris White on Zoom.
Tree Songs 1: ONLINE Concert on Zoom and Facebook
Concert video.
1. Bob Gernon (Toronto)
2. Kyla Tilley (St. John’s)
3. Don Wismer
4. Michaela Deng (Toronto)
5. Sheila White (Toronto)
6. Romani Bays
7. Tony Turner (Nanaimo)
8. Lorne Weiner
9. Pat Mayberry
10. Chris White
11. Patricia Reynolds, Carmel Whittle, Barbara Dumont-Hill, Jen Gilbert and Laura Margita
Time codes:
11:45 Bob Gernon – ‘I Have A Tree’
22:30 Kyla Tilley (Clark’s Beach, Newfoundland) ‘No Wrong Tree’
28:35 Don Wismer – ‘100 Wooden Rings’
39:15 Michaela Deng (Toronto) –
47:30 Sheila White (Toronto) –
1:07:15 Pat Mayberry – ‘Change Change’
1:16:30 Tony Turner (Nanaimo) – ‘Survivor Tree’
1:20:45 Jason Sonier and Greg Kelly – A report from the in-person concert at the Central Experimental Farm
1:33:30 Patricia Reynolds and Carmel Whittle – ‘The Trees Know Their Own Names’
1:41:50 Chris White – ‘Let’s Save The Trees’
1:47:35 Romani Bays – ‘Give Back The Trees’
Tree Songs 1: IN-PERSON Concert at the Central Experimental Farm
Concert video.
Christophe Elie
Darren LaBrash
Dawn Pritchard
Susanna Wiens
Tim Kitz
The Raging Grannies
Greg Kelly
Heather Adeney
Jason Dunkerley
Kathryn Adeney
Greg Kelly does an encore under the American Sycamore!
To learn about the campaign to save over 750 mature trees, 50 acres of parkland and countless wildlife habitats from being destroyed at the Central Experimental Farm, please visit the Reimagine Ottawa website at www.reimagineottawa.ca. The Experimental Farm is a National Historic Site, so this campaign really belongs to all of Canada.
Local time: 2:15 pm
Description: Just Voices choir performing under the Bronson Avenue bridge between Carleton University and Brewer Park, on the north side of the Rideau River. If driving, park in Brewer Park.
Coordinator: Patricia Reynolds and Carmel Whittle
Contact: Patricia Reynolds
FaceBook link: www.facebook.com/JustVoices/